Iowa City, IA
Home MenuUtility Fees
The following are the fees for City utilities, including water, sewer, solid waste (garbage, recycling and yard waste), and stormwater.
Water (Effective 7/1/2024)
Minimum Monthly Charge (MMC)
- 5/8-inch meter (residential) is $8.78
- 3/4-inch meter is $9.59
- 1-inch meter is $11.29
- 1 1/2-inch meter is $22.51
- 2-inch meter is $30.27
- 3-inch meter is $55.95
- 4-inch meter is $97.57
- 6-inch meter is $196.34
Minimum Usage Rates
- First 100 cubic feet per month is MMC (by meter size)
- 101-3,000 cubic feet per month is $4.09 per 100 cubic feet
- 3,001 cubic feet per month and over is $2.94 per 100 cubic feet
Single Purpose Meter Charges
- First 100 cubic feet per month is MMC
- Over 101 cubic feet per month is $4.09 per 100 cubic feet
- Minimum Monthly Charge (includes the first 100 cu. ft. used) - $8.73
- Each additional 100 cubic feet - $4.27
Special Sewer Fees - Monthly Surcharges
- BOD (per pound) 300 mg/L or less is $0.29 per pound
- BOD (per pound) greater than 2,000 mg/L is $0.434 per pound
- Suspended solids (SS) per pound is $0.232 per pound
- Monthly minimum, unmetered user is $34.03 per month
- Manufactured housing park, monthly minimum per lot is $34.03 per month
- Holding tank waste, plus landfill fees is $0.033 per gallon
- Holding tank waste hauler annual permit is $925.14 per year
Solid Waste (Garbage and Recycling)
Monthly Fee per Unit
(Per single-family dwelling or each apartment up to four units)
- Garbage: $14
- Recycling: $8.50
- Organics (yard waste and compost): $3.50
Stormwater Utility
All single-family homes will pay a $5.50 monthly fee. Multi-family dwellings will pay $2.75 monthly per unit. The fee for non-residential properties will be based on the actual impervious area and will vary for each property. An impervious area is a surface that does not allow water to soak into the ground. For example, driveways, rooftops and parking lots are considered to be impervious areas. For more information, see Stormwater Management.